- Elect Precinct Committeepersons
- Elect Delegates/Alternates To County Assembly (and Single-County Assembly) – Depending on County Party Rules, delegates may be apportioned to individual precincts for multi-county Judicial/House/Senate Assemblies, Congressional Assembly, and State Assembly – however, any delegates selected at precinct caucus must be ratified at the County Assembly.
- Recommend Election Judges
How do I register for my precinct caucus? – We will update this information for the 2024 caucus.
Who is eligible to participate in a precinct caucus?
(1) resident of the precinct for 30 days, (2) registered to vote no later than 29 days before the precinct caucus and affiliated with the Republican Party at least two months as shown on the registration books of the county clerk and recorder or on the records of the Colorado Secretary of State; except that any registered Republican elector who has attained the age of eighteen years within the two month immediately preceding such precinct caucus or who has become naturalized citizen within the two months immediately preceding the precinct caucus: or (3) such other registered Republican electors as may be present and otherwise entitled to participate in the precinct as may be required by law
What happens at a precinct caucus?
Step 1: voting members elect a chair, secretary, teller Step 2: voting members then elect by plurality vote delegate(s) and alternate(s) to attend county assembly or higher assembly (per county party by laws) Step 3: elect by plurality (2) precinct committee people
How do I run for National Delegate?
Complete the National Delegate Intent to Run Form. Form must be submitted (13) days prior to the assembly you intend to run for. Form can be found on the CRC website:
Who is eligible to be a National Delegate?
Must meet all requirements for precinct caucus, and be elected to attend the State and / or Congressional Conventions as either a delegate or alternate delegate.
Here’s what to expect from Colorado’s GOP caucuses
So if you’re a young Republican, new to Colorado, or are just thinking about participating in your first caucus this year, here’s what you need to know.
The precinct caucuses are about party building, and there’s much to be done at the local level during these neighborhood political gatherings. Registered Republican voters will help select their neighbors to positions of power in the party structure. They’ll help form the state’s Republican organization for the next two years by electing precinct captains, district captains, and other positions on up to convention delegates.
The caucuses are also a place where you can meet candidates for local and state office, and also just get a sense of what’s going on politically.
Find out what Precinct you are in: